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Allegro ma non troppo

Music – she is my muse

She sings to me

Her lilting voice reaching for the heavens

And yet

It falls short as she aches for

Love – tis heart breaking and bittersweet

It is a tug of war

For the melody

Who it sings for

A back and forth,

Undecided, disconcerted

Forlorn and desolate

Madness, determination

But she is beckoned

back, restrain

Don’t hold back

[I] can’t hold back

[I’m] trying

And yet

[I’ll] fall short

“Why? Oh, why?”

Can one not sing?

Shall the muse be only thought,

Ever taught?


She sings and sings.

To fill in the desire

Of a passion unrestrained

(with restraints)

She is ineffable,

And only in silence

Can she be heard.

3 POEMS: Bio


Pristine white,

Like cathedral spires,

Pierce the skies

There is longing,

For the sky blue

Expanse above

Can you not see?

The love, the yearning

There is so much more

Than what this world

Can offer to one such as you

‘Tis pleasant,

A wonder of quiet

and harmony

Who do you offer

Music to?

Oh, love,

How lovely it

Is to meet you


One cannot comprehend

Such beauty

And these days

Are golden and light

With the fluttering

Of your love

In the form

Of soaring melodies


3 POEMS: Bio


Let us dance,

Let us sing,

Let us be merry and jovial

See! The lark flies!

Red and gold

Aflutter in the breeze!

The strings resonate

The drums beat in time

As horns and flute


There is much to

Celebrate this

Auspicious day

Auspicious day?

No such thing!

Each day is much

Like the other

And tomorrow

So sadness, evil,


Away with thee!

We will sing

Of what was,

What is,

What will be

The past shall not


The present ever

a walking pace

The future


So will be our days

Left to fate

Such are the

Years short

So what use are

These of gloom and doom?

Stay with me,

Let us be with

Music 'til the end

And may our music

Never end.

3 POEMS: Bio
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